Sunday, 25 November 2018


Form a line and you will be promptly served
there are just so many in front of you
your turn will come soon, have your notes ready
one by one the line will move as one by one the stairs come down


You have your ticket?
Can I check your passport / boarding pass?
Please be seated at the cross lanes of weeping lady and concerned mother,
across the candy eating chinese beside the red Turk
Write all you like gazing at the white blank paper
Still hoping - Pyaar se bula aajayegi
Love will find a way.

Love, much like truth, is not a prostitute - it doesn't come cheap, it doesn't throws itself at you - it extracts from you your secret most treasures, your deepest care, your strenuous effort..

No hurry

At the port, in the lounge, the time is set
the clouds hang in the distance, over the mountain
now a burning shadow, there a calm yellow
some wilful sounds disturb the constant hum

Like so many kites on board a jet so many lives hang
the words balm the unsatiated heart
the tight lipped eyes well up a strange shade of purple
isn't it too early to declare her a memory alone?

The ceiling is fake, the lights artificial, the sounds robotic
was this the future the child madly after?
amongst the sea of strange faces, the familiar emotions still show up
(a not so old couple engage in a casual kiss)

The heart will live the night dreaming it is we who kissed after the anxieties and uncertainity of first nights were long over.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Where the sea lions cough

(wrote yesterday looking for a memory that keeps cutting deeper and deeper)

Walk in the night when the world sleeps
The spirits again moving across the space
Piercing the silence, painting the sky a cloudy white
When lovers walk hand in hand forgetting the day's chores

Sit opposite the barbed wire listening to roaring hungry lions
Water disturbed by sounds and airy movements reflecting the glimmer of manly lights
Cool winds fan the fiery spirits shivering the body
Meditate on the coming morning when it will all be hue and cry again

Fly over the bay like a seagull attracted by sea lions' roar
Staring into the depths of oceanic vast richness
The rainbow of moon's light over the moving clouds
Calming the senses, reassuring the night that the darkness would soon give way

Listen to the familiar call of heart's calling
Expecting to solve the mystery of it's desires
Who made the first move that caused the turbulence at this scale
When was the crime committed and how long the scathing punishment would last

To think the maths behind it - if one is other follows
Moving the fingers symptomatic of lively consciousness
Living a life full of rich meaninglessness
As long as the one with the strength of giving it meaning hides behind the cursed veil

The words and meanings shake the inner lonely turbulence
Wishing that the sky would soon fall crushing everything beneath
The show is addictive and hypnotises your countenance
Still the saying goes - shudhosi, budhosi, niranjanosi