In Indian thought the highest goal of the individual is to get into union with their higher self. This union it is claimed results in such sublime ecstasy that desire and need for something baser dissolves itself and the way towards a life commiserate with the deep and ever present nature reveals itself and becomes easier to follow.
A little reflection on the knowledge of vedas reveals the centrality of the institution of Yagya. Yagya is usually described as the holy sacrifice wherein offerings are made to holy fire with constant evocation of holy spirits representing various important elements which are essential to life like Sun, wind, rain etc.
In my own interpretation, I consider Yagya to be an exchange. Whenever two or more agents come together to exchange their gifts, the products of their labor, with each other - a Yagya is seemed to be have performed. The goal of all Yagyas is Yoga.
The Yagya is performed when a teacher pours his knowledge out to the pupils and pupils try to imbibe as much as possible vis-a-vis teacher. Yagya is also performed even in the simple act of eating when a morsel of food is joyfully received by the body - it is the exchange of the all providing nature and yourself. Yagya is also performed when an artists picks up his brush and paints the canvass - here it is the exchange between the artist’s imagination and the viewer’s imagination. Yagya is also performed when a customer and a businessman come together to perform a mutually beneficial transaction.
I understand that so emphasising a symbol which is so representative of a particular way of life carry the possibility of alienating others but it is so simple a symbol and so simple an observation that anything and everything of value we do is made possible by the tacit compliance of the nature. I think humans of all disposition and varieties will find resonance in this interpretation of life.
Whatever we do, if the act itself carries any meaning, is as much done for my own benefit as for the benefit of some other. Nothing in this world can live on its own without the help of others.
When we realise this and act accordingly with utmost goodwill, with no malice towards anyone, our acts appear as sacrifice for something refined, good and pure. These Yagya’s we perform on a daily basis are our means to the final union, the Yoga.
I also believe that our bodies mark the passage through which the pure elements can reach their goal - the highest self. What is breathing but the most important act to continue our lives and what are lives but a journey our spirits take to dissolve into the divine. This whole life then becomes an elaborate Yagya.
I also believe if someone somewhere will find meaning to life, they will stop to wonder at the possibility that there is no higher meaning to life that living most gently, lovingly and with utmost care.
If we consider universe to be a perfect thought and human to be the most developed and advanced life form and also believe that there cannot be two perfect thoughts and hence to conclude human, in its present form, is a stage aspiring and trying to imitate the perfect thought i.e. the universe.